Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: The British Are Certifiably Insane.

Saturday, November 27, 2004


The British Are Certifiably Insane.

More proof than you'll ever need to prove the Brits are total nutjobs.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't hold anything against animals, but there is something unbelievably schtoopid about creating an actual memorial commemorating animals that "have served and suffered for their country," as one (probable) dental hygiene-challenged Brit woman put it.

The story only gets worse:

"Among those honored will be glow worms whose light was used by soldiers to read maps during the trench warfare of World War One." THIS IS BRAVERY? Did any goddam glow worms attempt to retreat during battle or something? I can't believe this is real.

"The stone memorial bears the profiles of creatures from bears to monkeys -- kept by soldiers as mascots -- and will be the most prominent tribute to animal bravery in Britain, a nation often mocked for loving its pets more than its children." How much do you want to bet these same nutjobs commemorating the bravery of a glow worm were the loony toon assclowns criticizing their own soldiers in Iraq?

"In 1943 the founder of the PDSA created the Dickin Medal to honor acts of outstanding animal bravery." A "Dick in" and "animal bravery..." I knew a stupid Brit would make a Freudian slip somewhere regarding this animal bravery crap.

It just became a lot less hard to identify what species actually has the peabrain over there in the Isles.

And let's not even get started on the morons bidding for a Dickin medal. This reminds me of that story about Ozzy and Nikki Six trying to prove who was more badass. After snorting a line of ants, Ozzy sees Nikki trying to one up him by pissing on a fence, presumably to get down and start drinking it. At that point Ozzy pushes Nikki out of the way and does it himself. The French are clearly taking this British attempt to be even weirder than them seriously.

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