Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Tsunamis Are Pretty Badass
As news and casualty counts keep rolling in from the Asian tsunamis that rolled through the Indian Ocean after a big earthquake, we can all rest assured that our media and elected officials are keeping everyone up to date.
Here's today's news roundup:
Reuters lists the death count at 52,000 and rising. The AP says thehooligans survivors are "looting" and "foraging." How dare they.
Meanwhile, the AP wants us to realize just how big of a tragedy this is, because 15 celebrities or so were affected by the disaster. The other 99.975% who died will simply lower starvation rates for everyone else.
And lastly, after the U.S. Agency for International Development promised $35 million in relief, President Bush declared war on inclement weather and claimed that weapons of mass destruction had been found in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia.
Here's today's news roundup:
Reuters lists the death count at 52,000 and rising. The AP says the
Meanwhile, the AP wants us to realize just how big of a tragedy this is, because 15 celebrities or so were affected by the disaster. The other 99.975% who died will simply lower starvation rates for everyone else.
And lastly, after the U.S. Agency for International Development promised $35 million in relief, President Bush declared war on inclement weather and claimed that weapons of mass destruction had been found in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia.