Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: "Terribly Happy Bloggystyle" Omar Strikes Back

Friday, January 21, 2005


"Terribly Happy Bloggystyle" Omar Strikes Back

No homo.

Anyway, I make one little entry about other Bloggystyles and people go ballistic.

Not enough people currently read this page to make me check the comments on each entry with regularity. So I initially missed this one by my man Omar, no homo.
Hi, I'm Omar G., the person you comment about in this entry.

I was going to come over and refute point by point the things you said, but given that it took this long for anyone to bother to click on a link and for it to show up on my referrals, I doubt anyone would see it.
Translated into English: "I was going to try to refute your post, but the best defense against libel is the truth. Plus I'm not really sure what point you made other than I'm a homo, and I can't really prove otherwise, especially when I put a fruity looking caricature of myself by all of my posts. I then tried to convince myself that nobody would read this page, despite the fact that my dumbass just linked to it and am still in the process of funneling hundreds of hits to it as I type."

Thanks again, Omar.
You DIDN'T contact me in any way about the name of my blog, so either you're lying to your readers or you're just going for comedic effect. I can't imagine there's any kind of joke there, so it must be the former.
Well I'm glad we agree that I didn't contact you. I would never contact you. I appealed to you, on this site, to change the name of your atrocious site.
[I] glanced at your blog (that's about all I could stand to do)
the constant "oh, he's gay" jokes and the cheap shot at Eva Longoria up at the top (that's so hilarious -- she's got brown skin and a Spanish surname, so she must be on her way to deportation! That's not at all racist, dude. And I'm Latino, too, by the way, not Arab.) might be interesting if it weren't so unfunny.
Can someone explain exactly how something could possibly be interesting if it's inherently unfunny? And Omar is the one calling for basic intelligence tests?

Regardless, Eva's still my girl. Everyone thank Omar for giving me an excuse to post another picture of her (if one is ever actually needed). And by the way Omar, you're still not off the hook for being a Jew-baiting racist, whether you're Hispanic, Arab or whatnot.

At least the boys working customs can't be accused of having bad taste.

After that exercise in futility, Omar feels the need to stroke his wounded ego and reassure himself.
I guess the difference in these Bloggystyles is that I'm lucky enough to get paid to do what I do and don't feel the need to go around insulting those who have more of a life than I do to try to get a rise out of potential readers and to make my blog seem interesting. I'm sure you'll continue with "Bloggstyle" and I wish you good luck (which you'll need), but really I imagine you're going to get bored with the lack of an online response at some point and you should really leave the writing to those who know what they're doing.
I have to admit that when it comes to males listening to Bjork, you got the market cornered. I don't know what kind of tards pay for someone with those credentials, but if you can take advantage of them, more power to you.
Thanks and good luck not getting sued for photo copyright infringement.
For his next trick, Omar tells me that nobody's coming to this page, but "Bloggystyle" will get sued for copyright infringement. Basic...intelligence...anyone?

Omar sure doesn't seem "Terribly Happy," does he? But I wouldn't be either if all I listened to was "Radiohead The Pixies Bjork Erykah Badu Smokey & Miho Mana Lila Downs Kanye West Billie Holiday" Good god.

Omar is so obsessed with us that he discusses his gripes with this page and then sticks some nutjob calling himself Pendejo Motherfuckin Joe on us.

Apparently I'm "thug."
I don't have to tell you that I gotta step in to defend my boy because you seem thug; so you know this, man.
Pendejo Motherfuckin Joe, please check yourself. Or at least give the I.N.S. a clue as to your whereabouts. Either they're totally swamped or understaffed.
Though, I'm not sure what thug needs the self-affirmation of a blog that focuses on entertainment news ( write about Ashlee Simpson a lot) that only 24 people read on average. Also, some dudes are confident enough to not need to resort to homophobic slander and a blog full of pin-ups to prove themselves. That's just how we do things on my block.

There...look what you did. You just made me waste fifteen minutes on you.
Well that's great. Instead of throwing up blood or cuz, the Gs have resorted to posting 1,000 word entries on weblogs. Can we call that progress?

I'm glad that people on Pendejo Motherfuckin Joe's block waste 15 minutes of their lives posting completely meaningless entries on weblogs that get 24 visits a day.

Obviously I'm all about makin the world a better, safer place.

If anymore of you Latinos look like this, what the hell are you waiting for? In the words of the immortal Mannie Fresh, get your roll on. Or get your wade on. Ándale!

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