Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: Bloggystyle - The Blog Addiction

Monday, February 14, 2005


Bloggystyle - The Blog Addiction

That hit counter on the sidebar allows me to see from what sites people are coming to this site from. Since almost nobody comes to this site, I can visit them in turn.

Most of the people visiting this site are coming from the usual suspects that I have already linked to as well. But most recently, I've found that Bloggystyle is the "blog addiction" for the author of Drink Yellow Snow. I'll just extend a major no homo to that guy for him. I hope.

Anyway, why do people come to this site? I should have realized it had nothing to do with my writing, and everything to do with this:
He likes Eva. I like Eva, everyone should like Eva.

Good point.

I'm all about pleasing my readers, no homo.

Another site that has decided to link to me is Brown Cardigans. Without explanation, I'm on the list of links.

This is what this guy listens to for music:
weezer - weezer
the daniel woods birthday mix - various
white people - handsome boy modelling school
the unseen - quasimoto
To say that's not exactly my favorite music is an understatement. So I think I can make an educated guess as to why he is coming here.

Thanks for the links. Please come again, no homo.

Eva = Hits
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