Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: "Livin On A Prayer"

Friday, February 25, 2005


"Livin On A Prayer"

Pope John Paul II is breathing on his own and is not suffering from pneumonia, the Vatican said Friday, taking pains to cast his condition in a positive light a day after he was rushed to a hospital and underwent surgery to ease another breathing crisis.
As anyone who reads BC dot C knows, a massive contest with an important award is underway in predicting when the Pope decides to trade in the Popemobile for a more stationary device, like a coffin.

Your's truly, sensing the important historical significance of high profile Catholic deaths, chose November 22. After all, if JP's going to move up the hierarchy of notable Catholics, he may as well try to eclipse JFK.

But before that can happen, JP needs to hold on for his sake and mine. I have to admit that my chances of poppin tags seems unlikely now, but one piece of visual evidence still has my confidence up.

"Gosh I'm gully."

Does that look like a man ready to meet his Maker?

Meanwhile, the Ponstiff's latest bolstering of Rome's hospital budgets has Catholics concerned. And this article confirms what many of us already suspected: Catholics are lunatics.

The carved marble monument to Pope Sylvester II, who ruled the Catholic church 1,000 years ago, is said to moisten when the death of a Pontiff is imminent.

On Friday, a priest touched the carving in Rome's Basilica of Saint John Lateran and confirmed it was dry -- good news for the Pope, who underwent windpipe surgery on Thursday after being rushed to hospital with breathing problems.

In the sacristy of Saint John Lateran, the Pope's "second cathedral" for his role as bishop of Rome, two elderly Italian nuns in grey habits said the monument's prophesying power was well documented.

"It sweats when the death of a Pope is approaching," one of them said. They did not give their names.

"The stone cries. It's true, it has happened. There are people who have seen it," the other nun added. Both said they did not know anyone who had witnessed the phenomenon.
The way JP has risen from the ashes like a phoenix Lazarus style time and again, that thing has probably cried more in the last year than Angela from the last Road Rules.

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