Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: S N Double O P Sued For Assault

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


S N Double O P Sued For Assault

The man recently dubbed "the immortal Calvin Broadus" is being sued by some trick who claims Calvin and his posse raped her in the back of the Jimmy Kimmel Live Studio.

Apparently the show is more interesting in the back.
In December, rapper Snoop Dogg filed a lawsuit against Emmy Award-winning make-up artist Kylie Bell, alleging that Bell was attempting to extort $5 million from him on the basis that he and members of his entourage allegedly raped her during a taping of the Jimmy Kimmel Live show in January 2003. At the time, the rapper said that Bell and her lawyers were threatening to sell the story to the National Enquirer or a book publisher. The rapper also stated that he did not sexually assault Bell, but now the make-up artist is striking back by filing a $25 million lawsuit against Snoop, Jimmy Kimmel Live, the Walt Disney Company, ABC, and several others.
I couldn't find a picture of this bitch so I can't gauge the merits of her case.

Anyway here's her lie story:
Bell alleges that she was hired by the rapper to administer and remove his make-up from January 28 through the 31, 2003, while he served as a co-host on Jimmy Kimmel Live. On the final night, she was given some champagne by a member of his entourage and could barely move after taking a few sips. She then was allegedly raped by Snoop Dogg and two members of his entourage.
Unintentional comedy off the scale.

Anyway, this woman was clearly actin bugged out in the back, probably because she unintentionally got high.
Bell believes the Jimmy Kimmel Live show (ABC and Walt Disney are the parent companies) is partially responsible because they allegedly provided the rapper with large quantities of champagne and marijuana for his dressing room.
Is this woman trying to tell us that Snoop needed these things to be provided by Jimmy Kimmel Live? Get real.
According to Bell, she also observed the rapper snorting cocaine on January 31 in his dressing room. The morning after the incident, Bell allegedly wanted to go to the police but was advised against it by family members because of the rapper's gang affiliations.
Wait, that long nail on his pinky wasn't for show?

"Mr. Dogg," as called by Jewish World Review, sporting his blues.

Four months after the incident, Bell contact the Jimmy Kimmel Live show and told them that she wanted to go to the police. Shortly thereafter, her living expenses were paid through an ABC investment company.
So what have we learned from this incident?

Screw college: I want to go work for gully ABC.

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