Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: Send Hakeem Olajuwon To Guantanamo Bay

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Send Hakeem Olajuwon To Guantanamo Bay

Anytime I'm going to a sports related website and am directly linked to something about Al Qaeda and Hamas, it's not a good thing.

So imagine my surprise when I found out that Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon's mosque provided $80,000 to Al Qaeda and Hamas, two of the vilest forms of filth on the planet.
"There is no way you can go back in time," Olajuwon said in a telephone interview from Jordan, where he is studying Arabic. "After the fact, now they have the list of organizations that are banned by the government."

Why did Hakeem hang up this jersey?

So he could don this one. What a role model.

Once again, we're going after the wrong black guy.

I can only think of one solution. Send Hakeem Olajuwon and his ilk to Guantanamo Bay. Let's throw in Sharif Abdur-Rahim just because he's another black Muslim and he's been a fantasy basketball disaster on top of it.

Also, send Mahmoud Abdul Rauf to Gitmo, and probably Carlos Delgado- two atletes who don't go through the motions for the National Anthem
Also, send Mahmoud Abdul Rauf to Gitmo, and probably Carlos Delgado- two atletes who don't go through the motions for the National Anthem
Oh hell yeah. Mahmoud's probably out of the country by now. Someone should extradite him.
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