Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: R&Ber's Phallic Instrument's Proportions

Friday, April 15, 2005


R&Ber's Phallic Instrument's Proportions

No Homo.

This may look like a pretty goddam weird title to a post. No homo again. It's just that I had to point out the retardation of one Nasty Naus.

If you read the comments, you would have noticed weeks ago in my Eva Longoria/Ciara special that the first comment by Nasty Naus was that someone found this site searching for a certain black R&Ber's reproductive organ's voluminosity. I'll insert the no homo for him.

Now Nasty Naus, in his defense, was correct. It just so happened in the February archive that the incriminating words were there, putting this site at the top of such an incredibly distinguished list.

But the problem is that ever since Nasty Naus wrote that, more people have been finding this site through that exact search. Everyone wants more people to come to the page, but yesterday almost 5% of visitors to this page didn't come for Ron Mexico, or pictures of hot girls, or discussions of bad music. 5% of you came to our humble site hoping that I could dispense wisdom on the substantiality of a certain African American celebrity's homo erectus. No homo. At this point I'm not even sure how to stop the beast. Given the exponential increase of visitors using that query, before you know it, every horny bitch with an Internet connection is going to be coming to this site.

Thanks again Nasty Naus...

We could've just deleted my comment, but now you've made a post about it, giving another thing for these Usher phallipiles to search for.
Thus the reason I avoided the mention of the words specifically.
re-using the words "usher" and "size" helps you put you further up on search engines who search for that "phrase"
good point DJX. I removed those words.
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