Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: Lewis Finishes Fudge Packing Sentence

Friday, June 03, 2005


Lewis Finishes Fudge Packing Sentence

Convicted of using a celly to do a drug transaction, Jamal Lewis spent the last 4 months in jail, where he said he was "just another number." I guess that's the new euphemism of the day.
"It wasn't easy," Lewis said Friday, a day after the Baltimore Ravens running back completed a four-month sentence at a federal prison camp in Florida.
No Homo Juelz Santana, but I'm guessing it's never easy to have someone making Betty Crocker mix out of your ass.
"I'm not used to getting up that early in the morning to go to work," Lewis said, revealing the slightest of grins. "As soon as you wake up, they're watching your every move. There's no freedom. You don't get to eat what you want to eat. You don't get to move where you want to move.
Not to be Captain Obvious or anything but that's why they call it JAIL.

Anyway, major no homo juelz santana, they didn't come right out and say Jamal's ankle feels better solely because his ass got torn, but just look at the comments people affiliated with the organization were saying.
Billick said. "He's paid his price."

"The football season will seem like nothing now," Lewis said. "That's going to be a breeze after what I've been through."

"It wasn't about Jamal Lewis. You're just another number in prison."
Leave it unsaid, you've said enough. We know what happened.

Pretty sure Lewis would be the giver in prison.
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