Bloggystyle -- The Greatest: Lil Jon = Unpunkable

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Lil Jon = Unpunkable

In the annals of Punk'd history, Kutcher and his gang of pranksters have pulled ruses that made Justin Timberlake cry, Jessica Alba gawk and exposed Kanye West as the arrogant bitch that he is.

And judging by the accompanying mugshot, I'm sure Kutcher and MTV never thought Lil Jon would be a formidable adversary; if anyone could be Punk'd, it should be that crazy motherfucker (nh). But the tables were turned as Lil Jon proved to be unpunkable.
The prank, which reportedly took Kutcher and MTV many months and much moolah to plan, centered on customs agents telling a Las Vegas-bound Lil John that he and his peeps were actually on their way to Ecuador.

But the celebrity humiliation and confusion that accompanies most "Punk'd" pranks failed to materialize as the hip-hopper quickly sussed out the situation, reportedly after identifying a few of the ersatz security guards.

The paper says he then called out Kutcher from the rear of the jet, taunting him, "Come on, you can't punk the motherfucking King of Crunk."
*YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAYYYYAAAAAA* You can't punk the motherfucking King of Crunk, and you want to know why?

Because behind all that Crunk Juice and behind 700 pounds of Eastside Boyz, all you really have is a geek playing a facade of a role and screaming loudly.

The real reason you can't punk Lil Jon is because the real Lil Jon is this:

plus lil jon was always rich

that does speak volumes about mr. west's supposed intelligence, though...lil jon the crackhead is smart enough, but not kanyeezey or however the fuck you spell that shit.
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